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Jon Lewis Upsets Thomasz Pietraszewski in Poland vs. USA Event

As a featured event of the 2008 KICK/WAKO Nationals in Chicago, IL the U.S. National Kickboxing Team hosted the Poland National Team in a 5-bout super fight event. Cellar Kickboxing’s very own, Jon Lewis, was featured during the event as he challenged 9x Poland National Champion, Thomasz Pietraszewski, in a 3 round bout.

The evening started off with both teams meeting in the ring to exchange gifts between the fighters and for the playing of the national anthems (look for Jon sporting his new Team Poland t-shirt). It was quite an amazing moment to watch as lights beamed down on both the teams and anticipation filled the room which was split down the middle between fans from the large Polish-American community of Chicago and Team USA supporters.

The U.S. Team got off to a very tough start as America’s Dee Jay Jones dropped a split decision to Poland’s Artur Cieciura and Leslie Stoll lost a unanimous decision to the very impressive Monika Florek. The Polish fans in the arena were becoming noticeably more vocal and the large gap in fight experience between the two teams must have placed some doubt in the minds of onlookers.

But the tide turned with Jon Lewis scheduled to fight next.

Lewis entered the ring with an amateur record of 13-2. He holds the current IKF, KICK International, and USKBA Amateur World Titles and was named captain of the U.S. Kickboxing Team when they traveled Coimbra, Portugal last fall, but he had an uphill battle ahead with Thomasz Pietraszewski who boasts a very impressive record with over 100 victories.

The fight started off slow as both fighters felt each other out. The veteran Polish fighter appeared almost slow and nonthreatening as he attempted to lull Lewis into a false sense of security; only to suddenly attack with a flurry of punches and kicks with lighting speed. Lewis was not fooled. The two styles quickly became evident. Pietraszewski wanted to be the busier fighter throwing lots of techniques in combination hoping to out-point the American. Lewis was the shorter, but more explosive fighter, also throwing in combination, but looking more for that big fight changing shot. During one exchange late in round 1, both fighters landed several blows simultaneously as the crowd came to life. Lewis got the better of the exchange and as the two separated for a short period of time the look on Pietraszewski’s face changed as he realized he was in the middle of a war.

As the second round began Pietraszewski left his corner looking to strike back at the underdog American. He forced Lewis to fight with his back to the ropes on a few occasions, but also had a difficult time dealing with Lewis fighting at such a close range with the taller fighter. The second round was close and could have been scored either way.

As the third round began it was evident that Lewis was looking to make a statement. He brought the fight toward the Polish champion with a relentless attack and looked to have dialed in on his timing as he landed several calculated and unanswered blows. As the final bell sounded, both Lewis and the U.S. fans were booming with confidence. Lewis earned an impressive win by unanimous decision.

His win also changed the mood of the evening as USA Team members Simon Buettner and Andrew Krzeptowski followed Lewis’ lead and won in very exciting fights. What the U.S. team lacked in fight experience they made up for in courage, heart, and the ability to bite down on their mouth piece and trade with some of the top fighters in the world.

Congratulations to all of Team USA for an impressive display in the ring!

There is a short fight report online from a Polish representative here, however it appears to have Dee Jay and Jon’s names switched around on accident.

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